Meet The Parents (2000)

Meet The Parents (2000)

Release Date : Oct. 06, 2000 | Rating ★★★★★★★
Details : Greg Focker is ready to marry his girlfriend Pam but before he pops the question he must win over her formidable father humorless former CIA agent Jack Byrnes at the wedding of Pam's sister. As Greg bends over backward to make a good impression his visit to the Byrnes home turns into a hilarious series of disasters and everything that can go wrong does all under Jack's critical hawklike gaze.
Duration : 1 Hour 47 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

Ben Stiller as Gaylord Greg Focker

Robert De Niro as Jack Byrnes

Teri Polo as Pam Byrnes

Blythe Danner as Dina Byrnes

Owen Wilson as Kevin Rawley

Nicole DeHuff as Deborah Byrnes

Jon Abrahams as Denny Byrnes

James Rebhorn as Dr. Larry Banks

Tom McCarthy as Dr. Bob Banks

Phyllis George as Linda Banks

Kali Rocha as Atlantic American Flight Attendant

Judah Friedlander as Pharmacy Clerk

Bernie Sheredy as Norm the Interrogator | Peter Bartlett as Animal Shelter Worker | John Elsen as Chicago Airport Security | Mark Hammer as Greg's Hospital Patient | Amy Hohn as Ticket Agent | William Severs as Father O'Boyle | John Fiore as Kinky | Producer  : Robert De Niro | Director  : Jay Roach |